Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Tueday 1/10/12

Diet day two went pretty well! I'm not dying of starvation or anything. I did find myself thinking about grabbing something to munch on a few times throughout the day, wihtout even realizing I was doing it. I caught myself though, and have been trying to remain very conscious of what I eat.
The morning started off pretty good, but trying to do too many things, too fast at once turned into a mess. I was trying to pay attention to Logan while washing dishes and making some bottles, and I managed to spill a container full of 16 ounces of formula. Ugh, it went all over myself and all over the kitchen. Not fun. Then I was just dropping things left and right. Thankfully by early afternoon I was doing a little better and a bit less clumsy, haha.
Made meatloaf with roasted potatoes and carrots for dinner. Nothing fancy, but everyone here eats it. Tomorrow I'm making a new recipe, just a simple crock pot chicken noodle soup. Hopefully it's good.
I'm hoping Logan will sleep tonight. Last night wasn't a good night for him. He was up several times. He's really becoming very particular about wanting papa at night. It might sound weird to some people, but when in was pregnant with Meredith I couldn't lift him when he was waking up in the middle of the night. And my dad (papa) was a big help with the middle of the night wake ups. And that just became routine for Logan, so he's set in his ways. Well he wasn't happy when he saw it was me coming in his room when he woke up crying the second time. He started yelling for papa. But I got him settled down after a minute, and we relaxed and rocked in the glider. At one point I thought he was asleep, but then he lifted his head up, so I asked him if he wanted to lay back down in bed. He told me yes, and I him down. He was squirmy for a minute or two, so I waited until I thought he was asleep. After about 5 minutes I was so sure he was asleep. I turned around and quietly went to leave the room. And right before I went to open the down, I heard the tiniest, most adorable, sleep voice say "bye mommy". I was worried he was going to get upset and start crying again, but I just quietly said "goodnight Logan" and left and he was fine :-)
and I was able to confirm for sure today, that he definitelynhas 2 molars on his bottom left side, but only 1 on his bottom right. It's been something we suspected with the nighttime wake ups, but he was never really into letting us look in his mouth to confirm. The one time my mom tried a few months ago, he bit down on her finger pretty hard. So we just left him alone. But I was able to see in his mouth today, and that's definitely the case. So at least I know what's going on, and hopefully that's the only thing waking him up at night. For a while there I had a lot of people mentioning these "night terrors" and I was beginning to wonder if that's what it was waking him up.

Time to go sit for a little bit and relax read a few more pages of "The Help" which I started last week, and is really good.

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