Monday, August 29, 2011

Meredith's 6 month checkup

My little princess is doing great! She is 16.23 lbs, which is right in the 50th percentile, and she is 26.5 inches long which puts her in the 75th percentile for height! Hopefully she will be taller than mommy :-)
Today we started bananas! So far she has had, regular single grain rice cereal, green beans, prunes, apples, squash, carrots, pears, mangos, mixed grain cereal, and kiwi! She's doing so great with eating, and seems to enjoy almost all the foods she's been given so far :-)

It has felt like I've been going nonstop all day today. I just need a little time to breathe and clear my head. Since dinner got a late start (chicken and gravy over rice), I was going to feed Logan something different so he could eat since what I was making wasn't done yet, and it was already 6pm. So I decided to spoil him a bit, and I played a little game of, finish off the open bags of things in the freezer. I came up with 6 pieces of popcorn chicken, 7 sausage pizza rolls, and a handful of Hot Pocket brand snackers-loaded potato bites. Popped them all in the oven for him. I thought he'd be ecstatic, since he has recently discovered and found out he loves pizza rolls. He wasn't as excited as I though, and actually threw a fit wanting the rice I made once he saw his uncle take (and spill some all over the counter) some. So I caved and gave him a nice messy bowl of rice with gravy. And a mess he sure did make. This is kind of what I was trying to avoid since my energy level had pretty much plummeted. By the time he was done eating I was getting pretty aggravated. He started out eating nice, but then that soon turned into quite a nice mess-making extravaganza! Oh well. He is cleaned up now, and down in his playroom in the basement, happily making a bigger disaster and watching Backyardigans. Thankfully, Meredith is sleeping at the moment, so that gives me a minute to relax (and clean up from dinner-yay!) She was pretty fussy right before she ate dinner, so I'm really hoping that the shots she got today aren't going to make her super-fussy. Keeping my fingers crossed!
Well, I better go finish scrubbing the dinner dishes and whatnot before Meredith wakes up. Hope I am not jinxing myself by saying that!
Both kids could also use a bath tonight, and since daddy's working late, it's all on me. I better find some energy somewhere, because at the moment I just don't have it!


We have Meredith's 6 month checkup this afternoon. It's so hard to believe she is already 6 months old! It goes by fast with your first child, but even faster with the second/when you have two I think!!
It seems like just yesterday I was dealing with aggravating ob/gyn appointments, and mixed feelings over our VBAC miscommunication (a story I'll post another day.) And it seems like it was just yesterday we were taking that nerve-wracking drive to the hospital for the scheduled c-section. Feeling more nervous than I did with Logan even.
And now here we are. Pregnancy long gone, delivery long gone, even newborn long gone. With my beautiful, chunky, silly baby girl who is growing too fast. She was EXTREMELY colicky, and I didn't get to enjoy her newborn-ness the way I should have/would have liked to. I already yearn to have that time back. when she got to be about 4 weeks old, the colic kicked in, and we would go through days and nights of just inconsolable screaming. There was very little, if anything, we could do to make her feel better. This has subsided since late July. It may be coincidence, but she started to get better right around the time we started cereal/baby foods.
But here we are, 6 months and 5 days old. She will have a normal checkup, and I think maybe 2 shots. They always tell me how great she looks at all her appointments, so I'm sure this will be pretty routine. I don't really have any concerns or questions, so hopefully I can get in and out fairly quickly.


My sweet baby Logan is 2 years old.
I'm not really sure where the time went.

He is probably hitting his "terrible two's," although some of it may be in part due to a sinus infection he's had lingering.
He was always such a good baby to go out places. He would go out with me and grandma shopping for hours ever since he was a newborn. We got him very used to being out in public and behaving. However lately we've been making a bit of a scene. Especially when it's time to get in our carseat to go somewhere or leave somewhere! I mean a  kicking, screaming, freaking out fight. So frustrating. I hope it's a phase that goes away quickly.
He's also always been a very good eater. A little more picky lately, but still better than most toddlers from what I hear. LOVE LOVE LOVES bananas! And suddenly now cheese too! He would never really eat 'cold' items. We couldn't make him a sandwich, or give him like deli meats like cold ham, or turkey. He is weird about even ice cream and whatnot. But one day he had a piece of cheese, and has been hooked since. So hopefully he can expand his foodbase even more now!
He watches a good amount of tv when he plays with his toys (terrible mom i am, i know. whatever.) He doesn't watch anything bad, or violent. He watches Nick Jr. mostly, although it used to be Sprout. And he's not glued aimlessly to the tv. It's usually just on while he plays with his toys and books. He does however love Ni-Hao Kai-lan, Bubble Guppies, Backyardigans.....he's kind of into Diego and Dora, and The Fresh Beat Band. He's started dancing a lot recently, and I'll catch him dancing to the opening credits for the Fresh Beat Band (although he often loses interest soon after), and I've seen him dance to the little songs on Ni-Hao. It's very cute. He went through a short "dancing" phase before he turned 2, and I got a great long video of him dancing to Backyardigans "Ranch Hands From Outer Space." But then he stopped dancing for a few months. And now, suddenly, he's getting very into the music and dancing again. It's adorable, and I'll have to try to get more pictures and video. I always mean to capture things like this on video, before he outgrows these phases. But sometimes I forget, or can never get the timing right. I just want to always be able to remember these amazing, adorable moments in his life! 2 years has already gone by so fast, and soon, I fear, I won't feel like he's my baby anymore. Sometimes mom and I look at him, and just say wow, he's such a big boy now! It's crazy.
Hmmm...what else does he do? I'm trying to think of little milestones and achievements of his. He has a fascination right now with picking out his own shoes. He also threw a FIT one day, and refused to wear the shirt my mom picked out for him. She had to fight him, and then finally get a different shirt!! My mom says it's my fault because I had been letting him choose pajamas, haha. I have continued that anyway though, although he does not get a choice out of everything. I give him 2 options, and ask him which he'd like to wear. I don't want him to be a spoiled brat, but at the same time I want him to learn to make decisions and choose things on his own. He also isn't talking a whole lot yet, so I'm hoping to help prompt some speech through this decision-making. He says mama, dada, papa, hotdog, all done, he used to say bye but doesnt anymore, he also used to say hi but doesnt anymore. He can say go, but recently it's sounded more like do/doe. He says baba, and also what sounds like baby. I know there's other things, but I can't think of them right now.
I know many kids younger than him, or his age who are speaking a lot more than he is. But I asked the doctor at his 2 yr checkup last month, and she doesn't seem to be concerned right now. He's constantly babbling and chattering away to himself, so she's sure he will pick it up soon. My mom also thinks I'm overly worried. I just don't want to be that mother with the kid who isn't talking, and having other people think I did my child some disservice, you know?
We were going to work on potty-training, but the communication barrier has been a little bit of an issue there. Several months ago we put him on the potty several days in a row, and he went a few times each day. After a few days though he seemed to get upset, and not want to sit anymore, so we decided to take a break. I didn't want him to associate going to the bathroom/potty with any kind of upsetting/angry feelings, so I felt maybe we should wait longer. I think he knows the potty is for peeing on, I just don't think we're quite ready to dive in head first to true potty-training yet.
Tonight during dinner he pulled his sister's highchair close to his chair, and they were so cute together. He was chattering a little, and making gestures and looking at her, and she was just laughing away. I can tell he really adores her, although he doesn't get to interact quite too much yet because she's still so little. I can't wait until she's a little bigger and they can really play together.
He has also suddenly, at the age of 2, developed an addiction to his blanket!! When we switched out his baby bedding set for a different blanket, and got rid of the crib bumpers and "comforter" blanket that came with the set, I bought him a new Winne the Pooh blanket. He always liked it, it's soft, a little fuzzy, but no real affinity to it. In the last month or so, he has suddenly become attached to it! He saw my mom take it out of the washing machine one day while he was in his playroom, and desperately wanted it!! It was still wet though, and had to go in the dryer. Several times when waking up from a nap cranky, he insisted on bringing it down with him. One day daddy brought him up for a nap, and didn't realize his blanket was on the dining room table, folded, from being washed. The child would not nap!! When we realized our error, grandma brought it up to him, and he went right to sleep. So funny. I'm not sure why he's suddenly so attached!!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

For those who might be wondering who the heck I am....

I started searching for other similar blogs to "follow." And really, hoping some may follow me as well. I've had a hard/bad time reconnecting with people from, say high school and such, who are moms now. A lot of them are very different from me, and some have even caused severe drama in my life. Most of my close friends are not mothers, most aren't even married. I love them dearly, but we are on very different life paths.
I was kind of hoping to find new "friends" and moms who I can connect with for advice, support, etc.
After searching around I found that allegedly clicking on the "Next Blog" button on here is supposed to take you to other public blogs that are similar to your own/own interests. I found that many clicks took me to people NOTHING like me, and who are interested in NOTHING I am. But along the way I found a few that intrigued me. If they looked like nice people whom I might have something in common with, I read further and decided to "follow" a few people. Hopefully you ladies won't think I'm some creep. I'm just looking for a real mom group of people with whom I can celebrate and commiserate. Hopefully, as my journey through motherhood continues, I can find more moms with kids my children can play with, and who are also women who are likeminded and I enjoy spending time with. But for now, I want to document my life and try to remain honest and not worried about what people who already know me may think or have to say.


Got to sleep in today a little. Matt watches the kids this morning for a bit. It was nice because I'm usually up pretty late with Meredith for her last feeding of the day.
We got a bunch of eggplant at the Farmer's Market yesterday, so I spent several hours peeling, slicing, breading and frying them up. My mom is bagging them up to freeze as we speak. They were a great price, and now we'll have eggplant all ready to go for eggplant parm all winter.
We had NY Strip steaks for dinner, baked potatoes, broccoli with cheese sauce, garlic butter noodles. Delicious. I am stuffed. Although I'm sure it won't last long.
I went on a diet right after I delivered Meredith. I actually landed at 10 lbs less than I was when I conceived her! So it's great to weigh LESS than you did before you got pregnant. Except at that time I was still packing on baby weight I never lost from Logan. (We conceived Meredith when Logan was 11 months old. And I hadn't done a very good job of trying to get the excess weight off from his pregnancy.)
So while it's nice to be a little lighter than I was last summer, it's still nowhere near where I want to be. I would like to lose at least 25 more pounds. I think I can do it by next spring. I'm not rushing myself like I have in the past. I did good right after I had Meredith but over the summer I've really been doing a ton of snacking. Staying up late hasn't helped. I'm a night person to begin with, so the late night eating is definitely helping me stay chubby I'm sure. Oh well. It sounds crazy to diet over the winter/holidays, but I'm really really going to try to do it. Especially because even if we have another baby, it won't be for another couple years. So it would be nice to be thin/healthy for a couple years!! So knowing we won't consider having another baby for a little while, I won't be able to talk myself out of dieting, haha.
I'm hoping to get some nice down time and relax this evening. It's almost Logan's bedtime. He goes to bed about 9pm. And typically he'll sleep until about 8am-9am. So it's almost time to get him all suited up and ready for bed. Then hopefully Meredith will behave and play nice and I can get a chance to watch one of the Netflix movies that we've had here with my mom. It's either Angels & Demons, or Limitless. I think I'd prefer to watch Limitless, but I'm going to let mom choose. We watched the Da Vinci Code together like, gosh, over a year ago, and have been meaning to see the second one since then. I'm not sure if she's interested in watching Limitless or not. So if she isn't I'll just watch that whenever. Nighttime is usually when my mom chill out on the couch and cut our coupons and watch tv/catch up with our DVRed shows. Hubby gets up early for work, so he usually goes to bed at like 9pm. When he's home that is. He works a second part time job, and sometimes he doesn't get home from that until 10-10:30. So on those nights he comes right home, showers, eats and goes to bed. It's great to have a man that works hard for his family.

Saturday, August 27, 2011


I can never think of titles for my blogs. So I might just go with the date as a title.
Well, we've been slacking the last 2 days on making dinner. Didn't make anything last night, it was kind of a find leftovers in the fridge, or grab something frozen or a sandwich kind of day. Same goes for today probably. Matt has to work until late, so he won't be "here" for dinner at dinnertime anyway.

We went to the Farmer's Market on the square/International Fest today. The Farmer's Market is every Sat, 9am-1pm in the summer. But that was combined with the Festival today that was from 9am-7pm. We just kind of went to get our usual produce, and to check out the stuff at the International Fest again. We went last year too. I decided next year we will save up some money and really make a whole day of it and go. You could blow some serious cash there if you wanted. Between all the craftstands and goods they sell, and TONS of food vendors and foodtrucks. I would like to try a lot more food next year! I got some delicious Tomato Basil Foccacia Bread from one place, it's SO good. We also got some kettle corn. Tried some free samples at a few stands. And then we bought our red peppers and eggplant. We cut and freeze (we have a vacuum food sealer), our own peppers. And we (mostly me)m LOVE eggplant parmigiana. So we have found you can peel, slice, and bread/cook the eggplant, and freeze it! So then during the 'winter' months, we just pull out a bag of eggplant, and layer it in the pan with the sauce and cheese and it's ready to go!! It takes a while doing all the peeling, slicing, breading and cooking all the eggplant. But it's SO worth it for that fast delicious dinner later on. And we found one great stand that had the best look eggplant AND it was the cheapest. Crazy, but awesome. They were only a $1 each, and at least a pound and half each. They wanted over a $1 a pound at the stores for them. Same with the peppers. We got our red peppers for 50 cents each. The store is selling reds for like $3.99/lb! Insane.

Other than that today has been a fairly blah day. Logan was on a 10 day round of antibiotics because it seemed he has a sinus infection. He finished it yesterday. I'm not convinced it's gone though :-(
His nose still doesn't look so great (It was REALLY red and sore, and he had thick, dark, drainage coming out of it), and he's still crabby as all heck.

*Sidenote-Logan just pretended to eat the pie off the tv, on Pajama Party episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. So cute.*

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Dreary day

So yesterday I started my foray into this new blog. I didn't get to write much but the basics. Both kids are currently napping, and dinner is already to be put in the oven/on the stove, so I have a few free minutes.
Yesterday we had what we call ground beef and gravy. It's very simple to make, and fairly inexpensive. We just brown some ground beef in a tiny bit of oil until it's cooked through. Add in 1-2 (depending on how much onion you like) slices onions, let that cook a little until the onions are translucent. Then add 3 cans of campbells plain brown gravy. Rinse the cans out with a little water, so as not to waste any gravy in the cans, add that to the pot. Then add a little Gravy Master, and 1/4 to a 1/2 cup soy sauce, depending on taste. Stir well, turn to low hear, and let cook about a half an hour (or longer if you wish). We make wide egg noodles with it, and serve it over that. Pretty easy and pretty tasty.
Tonight we are having meatloaf, garlic mashed potatoes and spinach. I am kind of in the mood for noodles, and since I don't care too much for spinach, I might make noodles as an additional side dish as well.
We let Logan play at the play place at McDonalds today (my husband is the corporate maintenance manager there), because the grass is so wet/muddy at home. It's rained pretty good the last few nights. There's a hurricane coming, and its supposed to hit the eastern states pretty good. Hopefully not too badly though, because one of my oldest friends is getting married on 9/10/11 in NJ, so we are driving out there for the wedding in a couple weeks.
I'm excited and nervous at the same time because it's at least an 8 hour car ride, and we are taking both kids with us. Hopefully all will go smoothly.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

1st Post

So this is my second try at a blog. I had/have a blog on another name, but have decided to start fresh. I will probably delete the old blog once I get the info I want off of it (I want to double check to make sure I have all my childrens milestones on there written down in their baby books/calendars before I delete it, so I make sure I don't miss anything.)
I had a hard time picking a URL name, but I remembered some video game my brother had played, called Cooking Mama. I've never played it, but anyone who knows me, knows I love to cook and bake. So i just went with 'cooking mama tiff' haha. And as far a title, i'm going to be the honest mom for sure. I am sick and tired of other moms putting down decent hard working mothers, and making them feel bad. Pretending your life, husband, and kids are perfect does nothing but create a misconception of what adult life is really like. I think it would be better for everyone if people (specifically mothers), would be honest about the trials, tribulations, and joys of being a mother (and/or wife). So I will use this as my outlet to express my true feelings about adult life. It will mostly be about my kids, but also about my cooking and baking and other things I enjoy.
So back to basics. I'm Tiffany, I am 27, married to my husband Matt for a little over 3 years now. I have a son, Logan who just turned 2, he was born on 7/11/09. Then we had our 'surprise' baby (unplanned), my daughter Meredith on 2/24/11, who is 6 months old today :-)
I have worked at several restaurants, but found my passion after working in a bakery. I later took a position as a cake decorator, which I found I greatly enjoy. I am currently unemployed after the bakery department at my place of employment closed down. I still enjoy baking and cake decorating at home, and have made a few cakes out of my house for people, including a wedding cake and bridal shower cakes. I also enjoy cooking savory meals, and have recently started trying to get homemade dinner on the table more often, and to expand our recipe collection and try new things. We still occasionally eat frozen/box meals and get takeout sometimes, but in the last 3 months or so, I think we (my mother and I) have been doing a really great job at preparing meals almost every night. As for the "my mother and I" comment, myself, husband, and 2 kids live with my parents. We had our own apartment for several years, and even had rented a house at one point, but after the birth of my son in 2009, which required an emergency c-section, my mom suggested we stay with them for a while, as my husband worked 2 jobs, and I had quite a few limitations, as well as a new baby for the first time. She later decided and asked if we would want to just move in with them for a while. It provides a great built-in babysitter (which was great when I went back to work and had to be at work at 6am-no having to wake a baby and bring them to a sitter!!!), and I greatly enjoy the company. My mother is my best friend. The kids also have the great luxury of enjoying the company of their grandparents every single day, which is awesome. Matt and I could afford to move out and get a place of our own again if we wanted, but our situation is just so great right now, why would i want to?!?? Who wouldn't love help doing dishes and laundry and cleaning and watching the kids and cooking! Its great! Don't get me wrong, I don't sit on the couch all day eating Bon-bons. I take care of my kids and feed, bathe, and diaper them. I just usually doing the cookies and dishes and my mom does our laundry. Which is nice because I suck at folding clothes. So that's us. And where we live. And what we do. Actually I missed the where we live a little, we are in Medina, Ohio. Lived here since 1995, moved from NJ.
Well, have to run for now, but hopefully this venture into blogging will prove to be more successful than my previous!