Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Things have been crazy. I will barely even have time to update right now, but wanted to jot down a little something since it's been so many days since I last wrote.
We left Friday for NJ, to go to my friend Danielle's wedding, it was beautiful, I'll write more about that when I have time. We got back to Ohio about 7pm-ish on Monday. The kids were pretty good for the most part. And my family was awesome about watching them.
Came home to a bit of a dirty house/chaos. Then to top it all off my dad is sick again/still. They admitted him after my mom took him to the ER today. They are going to do surgery Friday to do a resection, in hopes that they can contain/cut out the bad part of his bowel/intestines to get the diverticulitis under control.

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