Thursday, September 8, 2011


Crazy day today.

My father has diverticulitis. It has been causing him a LOT of problems recently. He's been to the ER 7 times since May. Either just because of the extreme pain, or a few times because of passing out (from pain/dehydration). Well, today made trip #8. I was woken from a dead sleep by a loud thumping noise from upstairs (I slept downstairs on the couch since Meredith fell asleep on the first floor). I knew immediately what it must've been since, just hours prior we got my father to admit he hadn't been feeling well since Saturday. Then I heard what must've been my mom jumping out of bed. So I went downstairs to get my brother to assist (my husband was already at work). And lo and behold, yes, he had apparently gone to get up out of bed and lost consciousness for a minute (also not good when that happens because he has extreme back issues). So I called 911 for an ambulance, because we're never sure anymore if we should move him or not. Late this afternoon they decide to admit him. His PCP and his gastro doctor decided to keep him for observation. Usually all they can really say is that it's a divert. flare-up, and they give him IV fluids, and put him on antibiotics to help clear it up. Well, usually it seems shortly after he goes off the antibiotics, he gets sick again. So no one really ever has any answers!! And this is all just on top of another huge pile of mess, because my parents have no health insurance. My dad found in January that he was both losing his job, and that he had kidney cancer. So he became unemployed, and short one kidney. And things haven't really seemed to get better at all so far this year. I feel like we could really use a break already. I can't dare express any of these feelings on a network like Facebook, because some ass always ends up being a jerk and saying all I do is complain, or how it could be worse. Obviously it could always be worse.....but right now it's pretty bad. *sigh*

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