Monday, August 29, 2011


My sweet baby Logan is 2 years old.
I'm not really sure where the time went.

He is probably hitting his "terrible two's," although some of it may be in part due to a sinus infection he's had lingering.
He was always such a good baby to go out places. He would go out with me and grandma shopping for hours ever since he was a newborn. We got him very used to being out in public and behaving. However lately we've been making a bit of a scene. Especially when it's time to get in our carseat to go somewhere or leave somewhere! I mean a  kicking, screaming, freaking out fight. So frustrating. I hope it's a phase that goes away quickly.
He's also always been a very good eater. A little more picky lately, but still better than most toddlers from what I hear. LOVE LOVE LOVES bananas! And suddenly now cheese too! He would never really eat 'cold' items. We couldn't make him a sandwich, or give him like deli meats like cold ham, or turkey. He is weird about even ice cream and whatnot. But one day he had a piece of cheese, and has been hooked since. So hopefully he can expand his foodbase even more now!
He watches a good amount of tv when he plays with his toys (terrible mom i am, i know. whatever.) He doesn't watch anything bad, or violent. He watches Nick Jr. mostly, although it used to be Sprout. And he's not glued aimlessly to the tv. It's usually just on while he plays with his toys and books. He does however love Ni-Hao Kai-lan, Bubble Guppies, Backyardigans.....he's kind of into Diego and Dora, and The Fresh Beat Band. He's started dancing a lot recently, and I'll catch him dancing to the opening credits for the Fresh Beat Band (although he often loses interest soon after), and I've seen him dance to the little songs on Ni-Hao. It's very cute. He went through a short "dancing" phase before he turned 2, and I got a great long video of him dancing to Backyardigans "Ranch Hands From Outer Space." But then he stopped dancing for a few months. And now, suddenly, he's getting very into the music and dancing again. It's adorable, and I'll have to try to get more pictures and video. I always mean to capture things like this on video, before he outgrows these phases. But sometimes I forget, or can never get the timing right. I just want to always be able to remember these amazing, adorable moments in his life! 2 years has already gone by so fast, and soon, I fear, I won't feel like he's my baby anymore. Sometimes mom and I look at him, and just say wow, he's such a big boy now! It's crazy.
Hmmm...what else does he do? I'm trying to think of little milestones and achievements of his. He has a fascination right now with picking out his own shoes. He also threw a FIT one day, and refused to wear the shirt my mom picked out for him. She had to fight him, and then finally get a different shirt!! My mom says it's my fault because I had been letting him choose pajamas, haha. I have continued that anyway though, although he does not get a choice out of everything. I give him 2 options, and ask him which he'd like to wear. I don't want him to be a spoiled brat, but at the same time I want him to learn to make decisions and choose things on his own. He also isn't talking a whole lot yet, so I'm hoping to help prompt some speech through this decision-making. He says mama, dada, papa, hotdog, all done, he used to say bye but doesnt anymore, he also used to say hi but doesnt anymore. He can say go, but recently it's sounded more like do/doe. He says baba, and also what sounds like baby. I know there's other things, but I can't think of them right now.
I know many kids younger than him, or his age who are speaking a lot more than he is. But I asked the doctor at his 2 yr checkup last month, and she doesn't seem to be concerned right now. He's constantly babbling and chattering away to himself, so she's sure he will pick it up soon. My mom also thinks I'm overly worried. I just don't want to be that mother with the kid who isn't talking, and having other people think I did my child some disservice, you know?
We were going to work on potty-training, but the communication barrier has been a little bit of an issue there. Several months ago we put him on the potty several days in a row, and he went a few times each day. After a few days though he seemed to get upset, and not want to sit anymore, so we decided to take a break. I didn't want him to associate going to the bathroom/potty with any kind of upsetting/angry feelings, so I felt maybe we should wait longer. I think he knows the potty is for peeing on, I just don't think we're quite ready to dive in head first to true potty-training yet.
Tonight during dinner he pulled his sister's highchair close to his chair, and they were so cute together. He was chattering a little, and making gestures and looking at her, and she was just laughing away. I can tell he really adores her, although he doesn't get to interact quite too much yet because she's still so little. I can't wait until she's a little bigger and they can really play together.
He has also suddenly, at the age of 2, developed an addiction to his blanket!! When we switched out his baby bedding set for a different blanket, and got rid of the crib bumpers and "comforter" blanket that came with the set, I bought him a new Winne the Pooh blanket. He always liked it, it's soft, a little fuzzy, but no real affinity to it. In the last month or so, he has suddenly become attached to it! He saw my mom take it out of the washing machine one day while he was in his playroom, and desperately wanted it!! It was still wet though, and had to go in the dryer. Several times when waking up from a nap cranky, he insisted on bringing it down with him. One day daddy brought him up for a nap, and didn't realize his blanket was on the dining room table, folded, from being washed. The child would not nap!! When we realized our error, grandma brought it up to him, and he went right to sleep. So funny. I'm not sure why he's suddenly so attached!!

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