Saturday, August 27, 2011


I can never think of titles for my blogs. So I might just go with the date as a title.
Well, we've been slacking the last 2 days on making dinner. Didn't make anything last night, it was kind of a find leftovers in the fridge, or grab something frozen or a sandwich kind of day. Same goes for today probably. Matt has to work until late, so he won't be "here" for dinner at dinnertime anyway.

We went to the Farmer's Market on the square/International Fest today. The Farmer's Market is every Sat, 9am-1pm in the summer. But that was combined with the Festival today that was from 9am-7pm. We just kind of went to get our usual produce, and to check out the stuff at the International Fest again. We went last year too. I decided next year we will save up some money and really make a whole day of it and go. You could blow some serious cash there if you wanted. Between all the craftstands and goods they sell, and TONS of food vendors and foodtrucks. I would like to try a lot more food next year! I got some delicious Tomato Basil Foccacia Bread from one place, it's SO good. We also got some kettle corn. Tried some free samples at a few stands. And then we bought our red peppers and eggplant. We cut and freeze (we have a vacuum food sealer), our own peppers. And we (mostly me)m LOVE eggplant parmigiana. So we have found you can peel, slice, and bread/cook the eggplant, and freeze it! So then during the 'winter' months, we just pull out a bag of eggplant, and layer it in the pan with the sauce and cheese and it's ready to go!! It takes a while doing all the peeling, slicing, breading and cooking all the eggplant. But it's SO worth it for that fast delicious dinner later on. And we found one great stand that had the best look eggplant AND it was the cheapest. Crazy, but awesome. They were only a $1 each, and at least a pound and half each. They wanted over a $1 a pound at the stores for them. Same with the peppers. We got our red peppers for 50 cents each. The store is selling reds for like $3.99/lb! Insane.

Other than that today has been a fairly blah day. Logan was on a 10 day round of antibiotics because it seemed he has a sinus infection. He finished it yesterday. I'm not convinced it's gone though :-(
His nose still doesn't look so great (It was REALLY red and sore, and he had thick, dark, drainage coming out of it), and he's still crabby as all heck.

*Sidenote-Logan just pretended to eat the pie off the tv, on Pajama Party episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. So cute.*

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