Wednesday, January 2, 2013

1/2/12 Good Day!!!

I can't even believe how much I've gotten done today, and it's only a little after 5. At least it feels like I've done a lot!!

Some laundry, cleaned out the fridge and freezer, dishes, put away and re-organized (in ABC order) all the kids new DVD's, put away their new books also, make some drinks for the fridge (iced tea and lemonade), filled all the other drinks in the fridge, pepsi, pepsi max and water, got stuff ready for dinner, decided the carrots and onions we had were on their last leg-So I whipped up a big batch of a chicken pot pie filling and will make some individual mashed potato topped chicken pot pies and seal-a-meal them and freeze them-They make great dinners for Matt when he gets home late from work and isn't in the mood for what we had/what we had doesn't reheat well/or I just don't make dinner!!
I also cleaned out my mom's e-mail for her, deleting all the junk mail for her and sorting/reading through what was important. Took care of a few things on Ebay/Paypal.
Managed to deal with several poopie diapers and feed the kids and get them BOTH down for naps in between all this.
Now that I'm typing it all out, it doesn't seem like as much as I thought it was.....
Oh well!!
Oh, I had also been eyeing some clearance shirts on Victoria's Secret website for a couple weeks, but never did anything, but came across an e-mail in my mom's inbox proclaiming this being the last day for a free shipping deal, so I went ahead and ordered them. I think I got 6 shirts, they were all clearance, so I don't feel too bad. And God knows I don't really ever buy clothes for myself, and have basically given up looking nice since I'm always covered in food, milk, juice, spit, boogers, etc!! But maybe I'll give it a shot for the New Year and try not to look like such a bum. I only have like a handful of shirts that I currently wear/that fit. Maybe when these come I can get my butt in gear and clean out my dresser and get rid of the ones I basically never wear anyway. Even though I rarely wear the stuff, I guess because I have so little clothing that fits I convince myself I shouldn't get rid of it?? Why? I have no clue. Haha. Anyway, I'm pretty sure the last time I bought clothes for myself (with the exception of the 2 pairs of jeans mom found on Ebay and I bought this summer) was last January when I got a few shirts from VS. I love to shop, but I rarely spend money on myself.
OH! Also if anyone out there (If anyone even reads this), uses Pampers but doesn't do the Gifts To Grow Codes thing, we are only like 105 points away from getting the item we want for Logan's Birthday, so feel free to private message/e-mail me if you want to give any away!!!
I've got to match up my Target and manufacturer diaper coupons and see if there's enough useful ones to do a diaper run pretty soon here, but I have a feeling I don't have that many Pampers coupons.

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