Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Zoo!!

So we were finally able to take Meredith on her first trip to the zoo (and only Logan's second time), on Sunday, July 29th. It was myself, Matt, both kids and my mom. We actually had purchased a zoo membership earlier in the year, so it didn't cost us anything to go. You pay a flat fee for your membership and then nothing at the gates. It seemed to be the most economical way for us to do it with the number of people we have. I'm also very excited to be able to go again whenever we want this fall as well :-)

It was a little hot out, and we definitely got there a lot later than we originally had hoped to, but I think everyone had a good time. We grabbed some lunch in the car on the way there, and headed to the Cleveland Zoo. We just brought a small cooler to put in the stroller with drinks and a few snacks.
We didn't get to see everything we wanted, but that's okay.
At first Logan was a little whiney and apprehensive, but once he saw some of the animals I think he started to remember, and was getting really into it.
He loves monkeys also :-)

I actually ended up taking just Logan back about a week and a half later, to have just a him and mommy day and see some stuff we didn't get to see the first time.

From the mommy and Logan only zoo trip:

and, getting a little tired here:

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