Thursday, August 30, 2012

We did it!!

Well we did it! We have officially survived our first week of school! Overall Logan did pretty great, minus a little freak out about wanting to get on the bus today (yesterday when he got off it made a loud noise and scared him).

Love this kid!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Blog name!

Oh yes, and I changed my blog name/title.

I changed it twice actually.
I just started thinking they were cheesy, and I'm not witty enough to come up with anything cute.

Sleepy Wednesday

Today was a rough one.
Logan woke up at 6am, crying in his room, asking for "mommy bed."
I decided it was a bit too early to get him up for the day, so I let him get in bed with me and tried to go back to sleep until 7am.
He was being silly and not wanting to sleep until about 6:30am. When he crashed.
I tried waking him several times at 7am, and it JUST. WAS. NOT. HAPPENING. Yikes.
I was panicking a little.
We are NOT used to this early schedule.
So finally, at about 7:30am I was like oh boy....what do I do?? I was worried of upsetting him and him waking up his sister. So I decided I'd pick him AND his blanket up and bring him downstairs and figure this out. Well he woke up as we got to the bottom of the stairs. And I was right. He was tired, disoriented, and FREAKED OUT. Ugh. Not cool.

Finally he calmed down, but the clock was really ticking!!
The last 2 days I've tried to make getting dressed time at 7:45am, and then just chill for a few minutes and go outside right after 8 (bus comes at 8:15am).
Man for a second we were really cutting it close.
We got outside by 8:05 or so though, and he seemed like he was all good. (YAY!)

He was ADORABLE getting off the bus. I got him off, we crossed the street, and as soon as we got to the end of the driveway, he put both arms out and was yelling "I'm back! I'm back!" as he ran up to papa. Seriously. Adorbs.

The rest of the day wasn't too bad, even though I could NOT seem to get myself awake today. But hey, that's okay, because Matt was off work at a decent time today, and he took Logan upstairs to play, I put Meredith in the pack n play with her favorite show on quietly, and closed the curtains. Within 5 minutes she was asleep, so I followed suit.
Got a VERY nice nap in.
Woke up and got to work on a late dinner, Kraft fresh take seasoned chicken with herb/butter noodles, and corn.
Kids were pretty rambunctious after dinner. Especially Meredith. I don't know what got into them!!
Matt was in changing Logan for bed, and I went into the kitchen for a minute to wash up a few dishes, and I heard Matt saying "Oh no!" And I'm freaking, yelling from the kitchen with wet, soapy hands "What? What? What's wrong??"
Wellllllllll........Meredith pulled out a bunch of my mom files out of her one low filing cabinet and stuff was everywhere. Sheesh.
This child is something else. She is SO naughty. Seriously. Don't let that face fool you. She will laugh at you if you like gently smack her hand when she's bad (I don't do actual like REAL hitting. I've just swatted her hand a few times when she throws things and such). She will laugh, she will do the bad thing again. She's terrible. I am REALLY going to have my hands full. She will laugh right in your face when you yell at her!!

 Logan also keeps......not throwing a tantrum....that would be the wrong word. But getting very upset and insistent wanting to watch "Tickety Tock" I think it's called, haha. They have been airing commercials for this new series, BUT IT HASN'T STARTED YET!!! Try explaining that to a 3 year old. You should hear his adorable little baby voice with the way he says it, asking to please watch it. And every time I have to break his heart and tell him it isn't on yet. This kid just gets my heartstrings every time man. It's this adorable voice...seriously. "I wanna watch ticky tock mommy, pwease, pwease mommy, i watch ticky tock"

Not much else to report. I started last week wanting to lose a couple pounds for this thing I'm going to in 2 weeks....
Well uh, no. I swore I'd be motivated, etc etc. But with the stress, and everything, and I'm an emotional eater.....I've been doing nothing but eating. Seriously. Like snacking all day long. Which is weird, because I don't even like snack foods. I HATE potato chips and things like that. Sheesh.
So I haven't had the nerve to get on the scale, but I'm pretty sure I probably gained a pound or two instead of losing them. Oops.
I WILL get back on track eventually. Hopefully when we get a schedule figured out better, and things settle down, and I can focus and get back on my game and be less lazy.
I have to.
I'm not an elephant or anything, but I know I weigh way too much for my short height.
Oh well. All in time I suppose...

A little bit better....

Today was a little bit better.

I think yesterday I was just so emotionally exhausted from so many things, it just had me all out of sorts.

I don't remember if I mentioned the one really shining spot of my day yesterday, which was when we put Logan's plate of dinner down on his tray, and he exclaimed "Thank you mommy! Oh thank you mommy!" It was beyond adorable. And so sweet. It wasn't even like typical "kid" food or anything! We had pork roast, mashed potatoes with gravy, garlic butter noodles, and green beans. But he was so happy. Made my day.

Anyway, back to today.
Long story short, and I'm getting tired of re-hashing it all. So I'll just paste what I put on Facebook and be done with it:

"I'm pretty sure I'm being treated like a moron.

When Logan got off the bus, I immediately checked the inside of his backpack. There was a piece of gray duct tape that says "Logan" on it. But NOWHERE is the label I put on it with his name.
There's a note from the teacher saying the backpack situation got all figured out. And that she put another name label on it.
But I'm pretttttttty sure I just g

ot the same backpack back, (not logan's original). Inside was just the scholastic book order form, and the note.
I don't have whatever artwork they drew yesterday, and his change of clothes isn't inside it.
I'll assume the artwork is now a lost cause. But am STILL awaiting an answer as to whether they took his clothes out yesterday to put them into a cubby space or something similar. They better have his damn clothes, otherwise I will know I'm being played and the jig is up that they gave me the same wrong backpack (which is what I think is happening)."
and a follow up reply to a comment:
"I'm just going to let it go (this time). He's got a backpack, it's the same type I had bought him anyway.

I FINALLY got a reply, saying that yes they took his clothes out (I wasn't sure, since they give you the option to either send a packa
ge of pull-ups to stay at the school, or to keep a few in their backpack everyday. I wasn't sure if they opted to leave the clothes in the backpacks too).
I don't have any art if he did any yesterday (the "other" backpack yesterday had a drawing in it), but oh well I guess.
This backpack was sent back with a DIFFERENT label on the inside that says "LOGAN." Not sure why they would've removed mine. I had a nice big piece of blue cardstock that said "Logan P." on it, that was covered with clear packing tape. I don't see how it could've fallen off, and don't understand why they would've replaced it. That's what makes me think they sent me home the same "wrong" bag.
They had the option of wearing their required name tags, or putting them on their backpacks. Mrs. Good wrote on the note that she has tied it to the handle of his backpack so it doesn't happen again. But honestly, I don't know if the kid can recognize his name or not. So if they throw all these backpacks in a pile on the bus, I'm sure he could very well grab the wrong one again *sigh*

I'm just glad there wasn't any important correspondence or anything I could've missed receiving!
I'm going to get him some kind of keychain or something that he really likes to help make sure he can identify his bag from now on."
SO. THAT'S THAT. Hopefully forever and I never have to deal with this kind of crap again.
In other news, today was okay. Logan woke up on his own crying at 6:45am. And I've decided to wake him up at 7am for school anyway, so I just kept him up. He was a little confused and disoriented for a few minutes.
Got him ready and on the bus and all was well.

Meredith had her 18 month checkup today. Most things seem good. A little slow on the gross motor skills and speech, but I'm not surprised. Also keeping her eye into consideration-her follow up with the surgeon is Sept. 11.
She is 23 lbs. and 10 oz. and she is just shy of 33 1/2 inches tall. I think they said her weight was right in the average, 50th percentile range, and she's around 85-90th percentile for height :-)

She had to get one last shot in a series of vaccinations, and she took it like a trooper. 
Next visit is for her 2 yr old checkup.

Monday, August 27, 2012


I am absolutely mentally exhausted and emotionally drained, so I'm not sure how much I'll write.

Logan had his first day of preschool. He did great.

I, apparently though, am an idiot for not knowing there are no bus car seat laws here, and getting told by the bus driver that her paperwork states he doesn't need a safety belt.
Then him coming home with some other kids backpack.
Just ugh.
I'm so tired of this constant crap with this school and transportation department.
The school claims he left with the right backpack, so this mixup somehow occurred on the bus. Not sure how. What do they do? Throw them in a big pile? On the way there, they each held theirs in their seat!
I don't know.
Anyway, rather than write a long drawn out story tonight, I'm just going to hope it gets figured out tomorrow and at the end of the day I end up with my kids correct bookbag, and hopefully his art he did yesterday. He also had a change of clothes in his bag we were told to send, but I'm unclear at the moment as to whether the clothes were taken out by the teachers to go in a cubby space or something. I'll be pissed if his clothes go missing.
His name was on the inside of his bookbag, on a blue piece of cardstock, covered with packing tape.
This bag he brought home has no name anywhere.
So I don't even know who has his bag.

I was fine until this afternoon when I broke down and cried over the stress that has been mounting, and the thought that the other parent might think the work that got sent home was her child's, and not send it back.
I want my kids art from his first ever day of school.
I am returning the art that was in the bag we got, plus the book form, and a note to the parent saying here is your son's stuff, somehow the bags got mixed up, you must have my son's.
The teacher knows, and hopefully she can sort this out.
Otherwise I get on that bus tomorrow when he gets dropped off and I find my kid's bookbag.
Even if it means holding up traffic and pissing off the bus driver.

I'm hoping for the simpler, less aggressive outcome.

Just please God, let the bus come, I hop on, open it up, and it's got his name in it, with his stuff, and we're all good.
I think Mrs. Good is starting to think I am a major pain in the ass.
And I'm sure the transportation department thinks I'm annoying too, after my inquiry about the safety belts.

The big day is upon us!!

Well, it's here. Monday, August 27th.
Logan starts preschool today.

I slept like crap. I got a terrible stomach ache before I went to bed last night, and it carried through all the way through the night.
I honestly don't know if I just have a normal old upset stomach.....or if my anxiety and stress may have caused it. It wouldn't be out of the ordinary for me. When I am emotionally upset or the like, I have a tendency to inadvertently make myself ill. Annoying.

We had a pretty busy day overall yesterday. Logan was up WAY too early, and was in a mood all morning. It was extremely frustrating. Especially after he'd been so good on Friday and Saturday. We had a party to go to at 2pm, and of course I had a ton of things to get done by then. Managed to get everything done, and almost leave when I wanted to. The party was a lot of fun and really nice. He had a pretty good time and really wore himself out. Stayed longer than I thought we would, we didn't go to leave until about 5:15pm. Both kids were asleep a few minutes after we got in the car to go home. Meredith stayed asleep and took a decent nap...... Logan did not. My husband tried to bring him up and put him in bed, and I'm not sure how it all went down, but they both came down about 10 minutes later. Sigh.
The poor kid was exhausted and cranky and really could've used that nap. I probably would've left him in his room, even if it meant a few tears. Daddy isn't as patient or good at judging these situations though. Oh well.
We got everyone settled and had dinner a little while later, and then had a big argument with Logan over taking a bath. He just wanted to play "mogydycle" with daddy (motorcycle video game. Ay yi yi.) Got him all cleaned up, with a lot of yelling, which isn't usually like him-he's usually begging to take a bath lately! Afterward I had to try and refocus his attention a little, because we had a few things to do for school. A paper about himself to fill out, and an "All about me" bag, in which we chose 5 items that help describe him for a show and tell type thing they will do. Got all that done, wanted to get a few photos of 'the night before school,' with him putting his stuff into his backpack. He was less than cooperative, but I got a few pictures. Then I just wanted a few photos of him standing in his pjs real nice, and he was being a pain with that too. But again, I think I got at least 1 or 2 halfway decent photos, (I'll post later.)

Today I've got a little sign with the date, his age, and saying it's his first day of preschool for him to hold up and take a photo of. And I have the video camera all ready and charged with a new disc-my brother was supposed to take video of him getting on the bus and all, but now he has to work until 8am, sooooo.....he says he'll rush right home, but this bus is supposed to be here at 8:15am. So we'll see.
I'll just take a little video of him before 8 with his backpack on and maybe talking about school or something. I don't think I can multi-task good enough to take photos, video AND actually get the child on the bus. I may see if my neighbor can take video if I see them outside-they wake up pretty early almost every day.
I just love videos, and really enjoy how the few videos we have from my parents camcorder from when I was a child make me feel. My grandfather passed in 1993, but it's bittersweet to be able to see him on those Christmas videos from my childhood. A picture is amazing, but having video and being able to hear someone's voice again is priceless. I am not the best mom, I am not a patient person, I can be lazy, I swear, I get angry at my kids.... But when my children are older I want them to be able to remember all these special moments. I want them to have vivid, beautiful memories of their childhood. Cheesy, I know, but it's how I feel. And I have such an amazing mother (though I'm sure for about 5-6 years of my teenage years I didn't make her feel like it), that I feel like I have a lot to live up to. I want my kids to remember all the little things I did to make things special.
I hear people ripping on these projects and things on Pinterest, making fun of crafty moms and such. Saying maybe you should spend TIME with your kids, instead of making them sandwiches that look like owls, or apple slices and grapes that look like cars...... But why can't you do both?? When I look back on my younger years, it's all those small things my mom did, the tiny gestures, that I remember and remind me how much she cared. And I want my kids to feel the same way.

So hopefully I get some good photos and a little video of Logan today.
Hopefully I can hold back the tears.
Hopefully he isn't crabby when I wake him up (I've got to wake him up at 7am-which is early than he normally wakes on his own).
Hopefully he doesn't give me a hard time going potty and getting dressed so early (we usually eat breakfast and lounge in our pjs for a couple hours).
And hopefully he's still excited about school.

I know he was excited about riding the bus, and every time he sees a school bus he yells and points and gets excited. I'm just hoping that him getting on the bus and realizing I'm not coming with him won't be a problem. He's not going to know anyone on the bus, and I'm sure he doesn't realize that. I just hope maybe there will already be some other kids on it to get him excited (I doubt it-we might be the first stop, he gets picked up at 8:15-and school is at 8:55, so that's a long bus ride).

I kind of wish my mom was here today. She's so organized and calm and collected.
I try to be organized, but forget things sometimes. I think I've got everything he needs in his backpack, which I'm assuming the teachers check everyday? I don't know how this works exactly. I would imagine they check it everyday for anything from me, and I check it every day for stuff from school/the teacher.
I've got his clothes laid out and ready to go. We might be wearing our new sneakers, but something tells me he is going to give me a hard time about it, and want to wear his current ones-he can be very decisive sometimes.

Well, it's just about time to go wake him up. Id' better go get his breakfast ready and hope for the best.

I'm more worried about me having a breakdown than him though I think.


Friday, August 24, 2012

Great day!

Today has honestly really been great.
With the exception of me being a zombie for a little while after I woke up, and feeling like I couldn't get my butt up and moving, anyway.

I should start by re-iterating to those that don't know, that we live with my parents. This was a mutually beneficial decision that came about after my emergency C-section in 2009. I had to be out of work and on strict limitations for at least 6 weeks, and my husband couldn't take much time off work. My dad also has a back injury and some other health problems. So I helped out my mom with cooking, cleaning, etc. My husband helps out around the house, with yardwork, etc, things that are painful or difficult for my dad to do.
All in all it's worked out really well. Especially when my mom watched Logan for me when I went back to work, and had to leave for work at 5:30am! No waking kids up and dragging them to a babysitter :-)

Anyway, my mom left today, she's taking care of a relative for 2 weeks. And is it weird if I say I was nervous? Don't get me wrong-they are MY kids, and I primarily take care of them. I'm not some young teen mom leaving her kids with her parents all the time going out and partying. We live in the same household, but that's all. Of course they change a diaper now and then, or make them lunch, the occasional bath. And they babysit sometimes too of course. But it's not like they are my kids caregivers.
But, nevertheless, I've been nervous. Its us 4, my mom, dad, and my 2 brothers currently living here.
I pretty much do all the cooking, dishes, vacuuming. My mom primarily does the laundry though. She does everyone's together, we don't separate or everyone do their own. It'd waste too much water. So I'm stuck with all 7 of us's laundry for 2 weeks. And I don't fold. Not the specific, particular way my mom does. So I'm not even going to bother. Anything I fold that's left when she gets back would drive her OCD self nuts anyway, and she'd re-fold it I'm sure.
Anywayyyyyyyyyyyyy, today was good.
I got 2 loads of regular laundry done, and 3 loads that containing Matt and I's bedding (2 comforters, fitted and top sheet, 2 pillow cases). I have a few dishes left to wash, but kept up pretty good all day (our dishwasher is currently broken). Took BOTH kids with me to run some errands, dropping off bills and running into Kohl's to use my Kohl's cash and find a present for a birthday party we are invited to this Sunday. Then Logan was asking for chicken nuggets from Burger King (yes, I let myself and my kids eat fast food sometimes- I don't need a lecture, but thank you for your concern). So we grabbed lunch, then he wanted me to go get "mommy juice," so I treated myself to a mocha frappuccino. We came home, pottied/diaper changed, and I let the kids play a  little while. Then I put Logan up for a nap, with minimal fighting, which is saying a lot lately. He hasn't been into wanting to take a nap without a real fight recently. I came down from putting him for his nap, and closed the drapes, turned off the lights, and put Meredith in the pack n play with the tv on very quietly. She laid down, so I did too! We both took a really nice nap!! It was wonderful. I woke up, Logan was up shortly after, I got dinner started :
Both kids ate pretty decent AND with really minimal mess!! It was a breath of fresh air!! Logan was fully using utensils by the time he was a year old. I don't know what happened, but now at 3 years old, it's hit or miss, and I swear he is messier now than he ever was as an infant!! Meredith is a different story all together. She is a messy eater and gets a little sassy attitude. She will purposely throw food on the floor when she doesn't want. Not dropping it, not tossing it, but with attitude-THROW it.
But tonight was good! Got both kids all washed up, pottied and diaper changes again, and I told Logan we could have a snack and watch a movie if he was good. So he wanted to watch Cars (a nice break from watching Robots every day the last like 3 weeks!), and I made him some popcorn. The kids played and watched the movie for a while until it was pajama time, at which time Logan informed me he wanted to have a "dance party." He asked to have one a few times this week. It's so cute.
I kind of started up this dance party thing a while ago, where we watch the music videos we have On Demand on our cable, and be silly before bed. So we got all ready for bed and had a short dance party.
Then when I was putting him to bed, and holding him for a bit in the glider, I said something about what a great day we had. And he starts listing everything we did today!! It was so cute. He starts saying something like:
"i pay games", "go shopping",  "get Boo Kig", "mommy juice-a", "do puzzle", "have dance pawty"

(I play games, go shopping, get Burger King, get mommy juice (starbucks), did puzzles, and have dance party.
It was adorable. I wish I could've recorded it.
One of those moments I hope to remember forever.

Not a morning person

I am not a morning person.
I think Logan is going to do much better with this new schedule of getting up early and going to school than I am. Especially considering my random sleep patterns, and the fact that I haven't been a "working mom", in over 18 months. I feel like a zombie. And we weren't even up today as early as we need to be next week!!
I am not a morning person.

Logan's been fairly good today. I guess I've gotten a little bit done, a load of laundry, washed 2 more loads with comforters in them, and have a load of sheets going in now. Did the dishes twice. But really I just feel like I'm exhausted and all I've done today is sit around and eat.
I got halfway decent sleep so I really shouldn't be this tired. And all things considered I went to bed earlier than I usually do.
I've got to get off my butt and feed the kids something for lunch, then run an errand. Then maybe if I'm lucky when I get back I can get them down for naps and possibly take one myself.
Probably wishful thinking thought.
I think I've got dinner figured out, new recipe, saw it on Pinterest last night, and it seems pretty easy.

Logan was pretty cute earlier, he was asking if we had any of 'his' cheese (a certain brand he likes), and I told him we didn't, we were out. And then he surprisingly turns me and says "we have any hammm mommy?"
It was pretty cute. Surprising because he only just recently started eating the cold deli style ham. And the way he says "ham" cracks me up every time.

Thursday, August 23, 2012


It has been a LONG week. I'd say I'm happy tomorrow is Friday, but really that doesn't mean much.
Logan fell down the stairs not once, but TWICE, this week.
Monday he fell and was fairly alright. Yesterday he fell again, and wasn't okay. BOTH times he was one step down from the top, and was messing around, and turning around, not holding on and just generally not paying attention. The first time I was close and reached out and grabbed for the neck of his shirt, but my arms are too short and I couldn't grab him. Yesterday I was a couple feet away, and I was just telling him to quit it and pay attention, and I saw it happening, and couldn't get to him in time at all.
And we're not talking like, slid down the stairs on our butt. We're talking steep stairs, 13 steps I think, flipping over, tumbling type fell. Yesterday he landed face first on the floor and was bleeding. I was almost literally having a heart attack (I had a Dr. appt right after, and they noted my blood pressure was pretty elevated). I initially thought it was much worse, and was debating-ER? Call doctor? What do I do?!
My mom and dad decided that I should go ahead and go to my appt. (that I was about to be late for!), and decide what to do when I got back.
Well just my luck (and funny enough I JUST KNEW this was going to happen), I get to the office, and my Dr. isn't there. She's delivering a baby. So long story, my appt. took longer than expected. By the time I finally got home, Logan was doing much better, and the bleeding stopped, and the swelling in his lip had gone down SIGNIFICANTLY. So we re-assessed him, and decided he seems alright. Thank God.

Today Matt and I had Logan's preschool orientation. It went very well. Mrs. Good seems like a great teacher, and I left feeling very informed and much more confident about him starting school on Monday. Granted, I'm still going to cry like a baby once he gets on the bus....

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Lightened load

Not too much going on today, but I do feel like a load has been lifted off my back a little. I decided to e-mail Logan's preschool teacher late last night and she called me back this morning. We got a lot of things cleared up and out of the way (including the fact I didn't even know what days/times the school was in session)! Apparently it has a lot to do with the IEP being done last minute and over the summer. Basically what I really took away from it, was that the woman who did it was very inexperienced. Mrs. Good told me the meetings usually last about an hour and half. Welllllllllllllllllll, mine was MAYBE a half hour. Yeah...
But oh well. Done, over with, out of the way. She got some of my questions answered, and we'll get a packet and more info at the preschool only orientation on Thursday. So I feel a little better.
Logan's attitude lately though, has been OUT OF CONTROL. Terrible two's??? That's a joke. I'd take my sweet 2 year old boy back over this 3 year old any day. I don't know what's gotten into him in the last few weeks. He's got a SERIOUS listening problem. *sigh*
He also took a very late nap, after a HUGE screaming/crying tantrum session. So then dinner was late, pajamas were late....etc etc. Then he started being good and asked to watch Robots. Well I never intended for him to get to watch the whole thing tonight (we've watched this darn movie every day for the last 2 weeks, sometimes more than once), but it ended up getting later and later, and I lost energy to really fight with him, so I let him watch the whole thing and have his snack, and he got to bed EXTREMELY late. Oh well. Such is life.
I'm just hoping and praying that maybe he will be so exhausted he'll stay asleep all night (not likely.) He used to wake up crying an average of maybe 5 days a week or so. Now it's been every night. Every. Single. Night. For over a month now. Doctor doesn't seem to think it's these nightmares they call night terrors, from what I've described. And we really can't seem to find a rhyme or reason for it. On the daily basis our schedule is good and we had a steady bedtime routine. Nothing in his room or anything changed, no reason to be confused or scared or anything. We just don't know. And now he wants "mommy bed" every time. And will kick and scream and fight about going back in his bed/room. And between not wanting to wake the baby, and my husband (who works over 60 hrs a week) needing sleep, and then me attempting to get some kind of sleep at nights....I don't have the energy to fight him. So he usually ends up in our (not big enough) bed.
And he's been getting up really early lately....which will actually be good with school starting, but I'm kind of hoping that because he went to bed so late, he will sleep in. I could use some extra sleep. As it is, I'm sitting here waiting for little miss to settle down and go to sleep.Sheesh.
I knew being a mom was hard work, and no sleep, and mostly poop and crying..... but sometimes I definitely find myself asking if this is how it is for everyone.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Meet the teacher night

Tonight was my first meet the teacher night as a parent!
It was very informal, and a little awkward.
I decided to get more answers to my questions at the preschool only parent function on Thursday.
Logan was a little standoff-ish at first, but then really eased up and seemed to enjoy his classroom.

NJ Trip

I'm not sure if I ever mentioned that we took a trip to NJ in June.
My cousin Stephanie graduated college and we were able to find a way to attend her party! I was thrilled!

The kids both got to go to the beach for the first time.
Logan got scared, I'm not sure if it was the water itself, or the waves crashing.

Meredith loved it! She wanted to take off and crawl right into the ocean!

And some fun at the Boardwalk:

At the pier:

Physical therapy photos

The physical therapy photos I thought to take a couple times:

 In the waiting area:

 Getting her workout on!!: