Not going to lie, not that interested in the Superbowl this year (or any other year really to be honest). It was a good excuse to break out the deep fryer and eat some unhealthy food though. Mozzarella sticks, chicken wings, chicken tenders, green bean fries, jalapeno poppers, potato skins and other junk.
We have a pretty busy day tomorrow, I've got a couple of appointments with the kids. And I think I'm going to have to schedule another. Meredith has her 1 year wellcheck checkup in a few weeks, but I am on the fence about whether to call and schedule an appointment for her sooner. I'd noticed it a little bit here and there I thought, but just recently I am really noticing that her right eye seems to be funny. I don't know how to explain it, but it seems that sometimes it's almost drifting the wrong way? I don't know. That doesn't really explain it. I don't want to call it a lazy eye....because I just hate that term, and I don't want to have to say those words out loud that that's what it is...but something just doesn't seem right. And it's becoming more frequent/noticeable. So needless to say, I'm worried. My husband was told when he was a lot younger that he had astigmatism, and that sometimes his one eye can kind of seem like it's not looking straight ahead, I guess, for lack of a better explanation. So I don't know if this could be something genetic/hereditary or something...I don't know what to think. It's worrying me, I'm upset. Of course I will think she's beautiful no matter what, but you hate for your kid to possibly have something that might cause any extra pain or embarrassment later on in life. Kids are mean enough as it is. I don't want her to endure anything additional. I'm worried it may require special glasses, or surgery. But in another way I almost hope it's something that can be fixed with special glasses or surgery. Does that sound stupid? I'd be a nervous wreck and so scared if it was something that required surgery, but to know it could be taken care of and gone would also be a relief. I'm such a nervous worrier. Sigh.
I also have about a billion other things to do tomorrow. But I have a feeling I won't get to most of them!
We have our tax appt. on Saturday afternoon and I am cautiously optimistic that maybe we can get a nice refund. I will probably cry if it's less than the minimum I was hoping for. Yeah, I know it's just money. But I had a specific amount in mind I wanted to open a savings account for each kid with. Plus pay off 2 credit cards. So like I said....I remain cautiously optimistic. I'm nervous, but hopeful. We'll see I guess....
Anyway, back to my millions of things to do. I have a lot of recipes and things I found on Pinterest that I want to try. And I need to finalize and figure things out for Meredith's birthday party. It won't be until March, but I am searching for the cheapest possible places to get the things I want (like I looked at 10 different sites for her decor), plus will be trying to sell more stuff on Ebay (like I did to finance Christmas), in order to pay for her party. I do big first birthdays. I don't care what anyone thinks. It's as much for me, as it is for them. People always say why bother, they won't remember it....blah blah blah. But I will. And I like to make a big deal out of turning 1. So yeah. It will be a nice shindig. But that takes careful planning and budgeting. We won't be ordering food from anywhere like I did for Logan's first birthday (finances were way more flexible then), so I ordered fried chicken from a local store and a few other special things. But we've come up with a nice cheap menu, that offers a few unique options, so that won't cost us much there. I'm making a few small desserts/munchies on the side. I go big on the cake, especially for the first birthday like I said. But the cost of the cake I want was already SIGNIFICANTLY less than what I paid for Logan's 1st birthday cake. Plus my friend works there and is getting me a discount. AND I won't be needing to buy a separate "baby cake" for her, because part of the big cake is removable and will be "her" baby cake :-) So that's cutting my cake costs in like, half. or less.
Most of my budget will be decorations. But to keep cost down again, we are only doing her "theme," plates/napkins for the dessert plates/dessert napkins. I am getting pretty solid colored plastic plates and napkins for the food in the same colors as her theme. I'm also going to do just one theme tablecloth for the gift table. Again, solid colored tablecloths for the other tables. Balloons, ribbon for the balloons, a highchair decorating kit, and maybe a banner. And a photo invite. I did it for Logan's first, so I'm doing it for hers too. All in all, it's not too expensive, and saves me the time and hassle of writing out a ton of invites.
So I've really got to get on all of that and figuring stuff out. I know I've got time, but I try to be organized when I can, and I know it's going to creep up on me fast!
Anyway, I'd better get off here and attempt to maybe be productive while I still have some energy!!
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